Brief description of the course:
The course will begin with the selection of a space typology which will be fundamental to the project, as students will be able to develop typologically similar but physically different project proposals. Students will work on the scale of an object and interior space in order to create new relationships between space, its limits, the objects it contains, the networks that connect the space with the world and the people who inhabit it.
The aim of this course is to train students in the design and production of objects and spaces in which digital technologies have an importance and in which they add new capabilities to the traditional built environment. The objective of this course is to reflect on how informational technologies can enrich the city with new social or sensory values. The  investigation will mainly focus on the scale of  objects and interior city spaces. Following this research students will develop projects and build full-scale prototypes.



Brief description of the course:
The course will begin with the selection of a place in Moscow where students will carry out their projects. Each student must choose a specific space in Moscow for all of his or her projects considering the potential to affect a real street or neighborhood of the city. Students’ projects must include aspects related to the physical tranformation of the city, technologies and information platforms which enable new forms of interaction between citizens and the city. The final presentation will be done with drawings, animations and applications in a form of a collective exhibition. The course will be developped in collaboration with the experts of the Moscow City Government.
The objective of this course is to train students in city design with the use of technology at the scale of buildings and urban spaces. The course is project based and focused on specific areas in the city. It will allow students to learn the principles, impact and consiquences of the technology integration into the urban space. The result will be a project on the intersection of urban design and technology. The project will emphasize the social use of the city and its productive character which encourages urban self-sufficiency and the empowerment of citizens and the city itself.



Brief description of the course:
The course will begin with the selection of a place in Moscow where students can perform their projects. Each student must choose a specific topic that will unite all projects made during the program. The project must propose an improvement of an existing city street or neighborhood. Students should carry out projects that reflect on various layers of a public space, especially mobility systems, nature and social interaction.
The aim of this course is to train students in the design of an urban public space, focusing on the use of technology as a fundamental tool in the formation of social communities at the scale of neighborhood and the entire city. The course consists of a project of a public space and research of urban phenomena which take place there: mobility in all its forms and social interaction in the streets, squares and parks. The project will also incorporate research of such environmental impact as air quality, noise pollution or weather conditions — the intangible elements that determine the quality of urban space. Students will aim to develop systemic proposals that have the potential to improve city neighborhoods and can be replicated.

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