Brief description of the course:
The initial part of the course will introduce the structure of the legal system of Moscow and will analyse some of its key legal documents. Once the students have familiarised themselves with the current state of legal regulations, they will be offered a legal case to analyse related to the introduction of new technologies or business models not covered by the current regulations. The students will be asked to draft a new regulation that makes the introduction of a new technological product legally possible. In this way the students will understand the relationship between innovations in the city and their legal impact as well as the need to for legal regulation.
This founding course will enable students to understand the relationship between the laws and regulations and urban projects in order to influence the future development of legal structures that help shape the city. This course is based on the analysis of the laws and regulations that today define the legal system of Moscow and the legal systems of some of the comparable cities. The course will enable students to develop new ordinances that allow the introduction of new technologies or business models that are currently considered non-legal or illegal.


Brief description of the course:
The course will be divided into several parts in accordance with possible directions of impact analysis, such as social, economic or environmental. Each student will chose a particlar direction use it in the impact analysis of their individual projects that they accomplished during the master programme. Students will be asked to develop and upgrade methods of evaluating urban proposals. The final presentation of student works will be done in the presence of experts and business representatives who will provide feeback based on their experience.
This course will provide students with methods and instruments of impact analysis for urban projects and its implementation into professional activities. By employing these instruments students will be able to evaluate urban desicion-making processes and potential consequences of such desicions. Students will learn how to evaluate social, economic and environmental urban transformations, and juxtapose this evaluation with the initial forecast.


Brief description of the course:
The first part of the course will be dedicated to the analysis of different models of creating and managing the urban systems, such as private, public, public private partnership, and social management. This analysis will also include the study of business models for managing buildings, urban infrastructure and urban services. The second part of the course will be dedicated to the development of analatical skills, writing analytical texts and public presentations. Finaly each students will have to do research and propose a new business model for existing or new city services based on the “distributed city” principles.
The goal of this course is to inform students about relation between functioning of the city and business approaches which support every urban project: from the construction of buildings and operation of utility networks to the differents services that are offered in the city. During the course students will study the relation between investments in the urban systems and their operations. They will also study the economic nature of the common good and its impact on city management. This course will provide students with instruments to analyze development projects, urban public projects and public private partnerships with a particular focus on studying modern business models that support the principles of a distirbuted city.

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